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Appeal Update

Recall Hearing Appeal: Court Filings by Date

Below are the court filings for the appeal of the DEO's decision. The Directors Taylor & O'Meara, and the Protesters had 6 court filings. The court filed 6 orders. The DEO & Recall Committee had 15 court filings. The filings are listed below:

March 29, 2024Appeal – Complaint filed by Protesters (Plaintiffs)
March 29, 2024Court Order – Delay Reduction Order
April 5, 2024Court Order Discovery Matters
April 18, 2024DEO (Defendant) filed Entry of Appearance
April 18, 2024DEO’s Unopposed Motion to Consolidate filed in 2024 CV 030677 Division 204
April 19, 2024Court Order - DEO’s Unopposed Motion to Consolidate Granted
April 23, 2024DEO’s Motion to Dismiss filed
April 24, 2024Plaintiffs’ Request for Designation of Record and Amended Request for Restraining Order
April 25, 2024DEO's Motion for Constitutionally Mandated Forthwith Hearing
April 25, 2024DEO’s Response to Request for Designation of Record
April 29, 2024Court Order – Defendant Must Also File Defendant’s Unopposed Motion to Consolidate in Defendant’s Unopposed Motion to Consolidate filed in 1983 CV 105
April 30, 2024Plaintiffs' filed Amended Complaint to include appeal per statute as well as Rule 106
April 30, 2024Court Order – Expedited Briefing and Setting Hearing
May 1, 2024Plaintiffs’ filed Waiver of Service for Complaint
May 7, 2024Plaintiffs’ filed Response to Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss
May 14, 2024DEO’s Reply in Support of Motion to Dismiss
May 17, 2024Recall Committee filed Motion to Intervene in Challenge to DEO Petition Sufficiency Determination; Motion to Compel Compliance with CRS 32-1-910(4)(a)(III); Joinder in Designated Election Official’s Motion to Dismiss…
May 18, 2024Recall Committee filed Corrected Motion to Intervene
May 21, 2024DEO’s Renewed and Expanded Motion for Constitutionally Mandated Forthwith Hearing
May 22, 2024DEO’s refiled Proposed Order for Forthwith Hearing
May 29, 2024Plaintiffs’ Response to Defendant’s Renewed Motion for Forthwith Hearing
May 31, 2024DEO's Reply to Plaintiffs’ Response to Defendant’s Renewed Motion for Forthwith Hearing
 June 13, 2024 Recall Committee Notice of Non-Response to Motion
July 17, 2024 DEO's Notice of Non-Waiver of Constitutionally Mandated Forthwith Hearing
 July 31, 2024Recall Committee's Motion for Forthwith Hearing & Status Conference and Joinder in Notice of Non-Waiver filed by DEO
August 1, 2024Court's Order Granting DEO's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs' Appeal
 August 20, 2024DEO's Emergency Motion for Status Conference
 August 21, 2024Plaintiffs' Response to Emergency Motion for Status Conference
August 21, 2024 Court's Order re:  Set Status Conference
August 22, 2024Court's Order re: Response to Emergency Motion
August 22, 2024DEO's Notice of Status Conference
 August 22, 2024DEO's Amended Notice of Status Conference
 August 25, 2024DEO's Position Statement
August 26, 2024Plaintiffs' Response to DEO's Position Statement
 August 30, 2024DEO's Emergency Objection to Recall Election Date
 August 30, 2024Order to Set In-Person Hearing
September 5, 2024Court Hearing - Election Set for December 3, 2024